

Top 20 Good Professional Resolutions for 2020

The new year is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about your good resolutions for 2020. From a personal point of view, losing weight and quitting smoking are classics… But what about your 2020 professional goals? Here are 20 ideas to study. No worries: you don’t have to do everything, but setting two […]


AI, from a Legal Point of View

While artificial intelligence is bound to change the business world, it also creates many situations that we are not prepared for. For example, if the selection of candidate’s resumes is done by an algorithm, how can it be ensured that it is not discriminatory? Overview. Debate is raging at the moment about how to deal […]


Lawyers and Their Clients – How to Restore Trust

Hiring a lawyer often means confusion, frustration and misunderstanding for clients, emotions that many members of the profession seem to have difficulty perceiving. What if empathy is the key to attracting new clients? More than one third of clients experience a sense of urgency, of which less than one quarter of lawyers are aware, according […]


Why Promote Communities of Practice?

Teamwork is one thing, the community of practice is another. Within a given territory, or within a network of companies, it is worthwhile to create communities of practice. Why, and how do you go about it? Imagine math teachers, from different schools across the country, who want to develop new pedagogical practices together or share […]


What Does a Private Investigator Do in the Legal Field?

In Quebec, a private investigator does not have the authority of a police officer or a criminal investigator. He must complete a 135-hour college training course and obtain a certificate from the BSP (Public Security Office). The investigator must conduct the necessary investigations to bring the truth to light by defining an investigation strategy and […]


How to Assert Your Personality With a Recruiter

To stand out, skills are not enough – you have to know how to arouse the recruiter’s interest by highlighting your personality. How do you achieve this in a résumé, on social media? Tips. Targeting the required personal qualities Showcasing your personality is a good way of enhancing your candidacy and eliciting a call from […]


3 Years: The Ideal Duration of a Job (According to Employers)

Staying in a job for 3 years would be the ideal duration for employers, according to Indeed. For employees… six months! Results of a survey on perceptions of professional leapfrogging. In 2018, professionals are changing career often and accumulating more jobs than the baby boomers did. Adaptability, curiosity, variety and volatility: these are the values […]


Lawyers: How Much Are Your Services Worth?

In a recent article published in the Canadian magazine Slaw, Noel Sample, professor of law at the University of Windsor, expressed his concern at the difficulty of clients to assess the quality-price ratio of legal services. He also denounced the fact that the legal community does it “with suspect and opaque methodologies, such as track […]


Brown-Out: When You Lose Motivation at Work

It’s a new form of work-related depression that may well become more common in the coming years. Brown-out, which literally refers to a “drop in power”, affects more and more workers. But what is this new disorder and what are the symptoms to watch out for? Brown-out must not be confused with burn-out, which describes […]


Unplugging During the Holidays – Mission Impossible?

Year after year, studies show that Canadians still struggle to disconnect from work during the holidays. And it’s going from bad to worse, according to a new survey conducted by the Accountemps recruitment firm. Gone are the days when the computer was shut down after having summarily programmed an out-of-office autoreply message. Today, with a […]


Jurists Dissatisfied with Work – Why?

A recent survey shows that within the state apparatus, two jurists out of three are dissatisfied at work and that if they could they would resign. Focus on a major issue. The survey conducted by the Association des notaires et avocats du Québec (ANEQ) in February 2018 shows a certain mood of gloom, a few […]

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