Articles by Amélie Van De Wynckele

Company life

Beware of negativism in business

No one is safe from overindulging in a bad mood for a passing reason (broken computer, crazy customer, bad-tempered boss…). However, when this sourness persists, it can easily give way to a certain negativism that will affect colleagues’ work environment. Don’t delay reacting and doing the right things before it’s too late.   Causes and […]

Company life

Incivility: another manifestation of individualism?

If we are to believe Donald Black (The Social Structure of Right and Wrong, 1993), the expression of discontent in the working world evolves. Employees abandon public mass events (strikes, petitions or sabotage) in favour of more private reactions, specifically incivility in the workplace. How is it manifested? What are the internal reactions? How are […]

Company life

Sociocratic governance – hope for employees

If you have had enough of stress at work or even want to avoid burnout, consider sociocracy. This method of dynamic governance is bringing satisfaction for employees, while developing productivity in organizations, as the Canadian geneticist David Suzuki says in his book Good News for a Change. What is this method of governance based on? […]


Internal candidates: watch out for pitfalls

What a happy surprise to see the job of your dreams posted on your company’s intranet. Be careful though, because what seems to be an opportunity in your eyes could quickly prove to be a disadvantage… How do you prepare and behave for an internal recruitment? What links need to be woven within the company […]


A job interview in a public place

Don’t be surprised if a recruiter proposes an interview in a public place. He has his reasons (spaces in the company not available, confidentiality of hiring in relation to existing employees or just a desire to make the best use of his time), but you now have new apprehensions: a place to evaluate, what to […]


The real risk? The last five minutes of an interview

You have spent a good hour putting in tons of effort to look interested, dynamic, perceptive, curious, and—five minutes to the end—you lose your balance and wipe out. One last question knocks you off your feet, you let out a thank you that sounds fake, an innappropriate gesture right as you’re leaving. Here is some […]

Pay and benefits

Salary negotiations: when it pays off to be outrageous

Those who dare abandon their self-consciousness or affected shyness when comes the time for salary negotiations and ask for the sky may be richly rewarded. Read on. This tip—or rather this revelation—comes from the results of a study published in July 2011 in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Conducted by Todd J. Thorsteinson of […]

Rights and labour standards

France Telecom under investigation for moral harassment

France Telecom under investigation for moral harassment. France Telecom might be under investigation for moral harassment. The complaint filed is an unusual as the events in question. Why has a company with almost 60,000 civil servants whose employment is guaranteed in a country with extremely protective social legislation had 37 suicides since the beginning of […] network